Our Ministries

Wesleyan Women

The Wesleyan Women’s Ministry focuses on connecting women to God and to each other; involving them in relationships and ministry to each other; providing avenues and projects for giving and service; and developing leaders. These can be fulfilled by doing the following: Evangelism – where we lead our family, friends, and neighbors to Christ; Discipleship…

Mens Fellowship

Mens Fellowship Director: Tunde Olanipekun The Men’s Fellowship Ministry meets every third Saturday via Zoom.

Bible Study

Bible Study Lessons Bible Study is every Wednesday at 7:30pm by Pastor Jules NGANGMENI Join via Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/844247758 Meeting ID: 844 247 758

Health Ministry

The Bridge To Life Women’s Ministry has added a Health Ministry for the benefit of Church attendees.  Beginning Sunday, July 26, there will be a direct focus on the well being of our congregants.  Amid this Pandemic and in keeping with the CDC guidelines, attendees will be properly screened by licensed nurses: temperature checks, masks,…

Media Ministry

The mission of the Media Ministry is to deliver audio, video, streaming, and web support to the Bridge to life Ministries Church through innovative and creative use of Technology. This involves a focus on always giving God our best as we aspire to always use our God given talents for the benefit of his kingdom. Eligibility to Volunteer…