Our Vision

Peter said that we are a royal priesthood chosen by the Lord Himself for the great work ahead: “But you are a chosen  people, a royal priesthood, a holy  nation, God special possession , that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his  wonderful light” (I Peter 2:9). A priest is a bridge builder in its original sense.  The idea here is to build bridges and bring people to God through Jesus Christ on the account of His work on the cross to build the Kingdom of God. As we pray and say, may Your Kingdom come, we are part of His Kingdom already operating on Earth and want to bring people in.

 To be able to address these challenges, we want to do a better job of communicating with you, our church family, so we begin with the following vision statement.  We would like to propose the statement, since our mission at the BRIDGE TO LIFE MINISTRIES church is to unite, equip and mobilize the BRIDGE TO LIFE MINISTRIES Church family to be God’s instrument to “Seek the lost, bring back the strays, bind up the injured, and strengthen the weak” (Ezek. 34:16)

Compelled by this vision and these priorities, we will adhere to the following principles: 

  1. Our greatest concern is that God work through the BRIDGE TO LIFE MINISTRIES congregation to seek the lost. God’s own agenda as our Chief Shepherd is clear-to seek the lost, to bring back the To bind up the injured and to strengthen the weak (Ezekiel 34:16).  Our decisions -and every BRIDGE TO LIFE MINISTRIES church ministry- will reflect those priorities.
  2. We will seek God’s will in prayer and lead the congregation to become more of a praying church.
  3. We want to provide leadership that will foster growth beyond the 1,000-member
  4. We want to be a warm welcoming congregation to people of all ages and especially sensitive to the people drawn to BRIDGE TO LIFE MINISTRIES church -both new comers without a church background and transfers from other
  5. Our goal is to please God. While we want all of our members to be happy here, satisfying everyone cannot and will not be our guiding principle in decision-
  6. To maintain the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace, we will be careful to distinguish between a “stumbling block” that causes someone to fall back into sin and a violation of someone’s comfort zone. We will not address “stumbling blocks” and “comfort zone violations” as if they are the same We will teach against both the spirit that would inspire someone to flaunt their freedom in a haughty way and the spirit that would inspire someone to impose their opinions and preferences about non-biblical matters on others (Romans 14 and 15).